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Faculty (32nd, 33rd, 34th cycle)

PhD coordinator: Prof. Adriano Fabris. PhD deputy coordinator: Prof. Francesco Ademollo.


University  Curriculum
Accarino Bruno Firenze Ethics, Politics and Religions
Ademollo Francesco Firenze History of Philosophy
Amoroso Leonardo Pisa Theoretical Philosophy, Aesthetics and  Philosophy of Language
Barbagli Fausto Firenze Logic, Philosophy and History of Science
Barrotta Pierluigi Pisa Logic, Philosophy and History of Science
Barsanti Giulio Firenze Logic, Philosophy and History of Science
Bellotti Luca Pisa Logic, Philosophy and History of Science
Cantini Andrea Firenze Logic, Philosophy and History of Science
Castellani Elena Firenze Logic, Philosophy and History of Science
Centrone Bruno Pisa History of Philosophy
Cubeddu Raimondo Pisa Ethics, Politics and Religions
D'ancona Cristina Pisa History of Philosophy
Desideri Fabrizio Firenze Theoretical Philosophy, Aesthetics and Philosophy of Language
Fabris Adriano Pisa Ethics, Politics and Religions
Fadini Ubaldo Firenze Ethics, Politics and Religions
Ferrarin Alfredo Pisa Theoretical Philosophy, Aesthetics and Philosophy of Language
Fussi Alessandra Pisa Ethics, Politics and Religions
Galanti Maria Antonella Pisa Ethics, Politics and Religions
Iacono Alfonso Pisa History of Philosophy
Lanfredini Roberta Firenze Theoretical Philosophy, Aesthetics and Philosophy of Language
Lisciani Petrini Enrica Salerno Theoretical Philosophy, Aesthetics and Philosophy of Language
Mecacci Andrea Firenze Theoretical Philosophy, Aesthetics and Philosophy of Language
Minari Pierluigi Firenze Logic, Philosophy and History of Science
Moriconi Enrico Pisa Logic, Philosophy and History of Science
Napolitani Pier Daniele Pisa Logic, Philosophy and History of Science
Pagnini Alessandro Firenze History of Philosophy
Paoletti Giovanni Pisa History of Philosophy
Perfetti Stefano Pisa History of Philosophy
Perrone Compagni Vittoria Firenze History of Philosophy
Pogliano Claudio Sergio Pisa Logic, Philosophy and History of Science
Pulcini Elena Firenze Ethics, Politics and Religions
Rodolfi Anna Firenze History of Philosophy
Sassi Maria Michela Pisa History of Philosophy
Villani Giovanni CNR Pisa Logic, Philosophy and History of Science
last update: 03-Oct-2019
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